Interdisciplinary Disability Studies Courses for Summer and Fall 2021
The curriculum in Interdisciplinary Disability Studies provides students a means to explore disability within the larger context of diversity and to examine professional practice, scholarship, and policy related to persons with disabilities.
Undergraduate students may take Interdisciplinary Disability Studies courses as electives or obtain a Minor in Interdisciplinary Disability Studies.
Graduate students may obtain a Graduate Certificate in Interdisciplinary Disability Studies or a Graduate Specialization in Interdisciplinary Disability Studies.
Summer 2021 Courses (Online only)
Two Interdisciplinary Disability Studies courses are being offered online for Summer 2021: DIS 300 – Interaction of Human Diversity and Global Environments with Dr. Stephen Gilson; and DIS 500 – Contemporary Disability Theory with Dr. Elizabeth DePoy. Register at Summer University.
Fall 2021 Courses
[Please note: the University of Maine is planning for a return to in-classroom instruction for Fall 2021. Please continue to monitor Together for Maine: Principles for a Safe Return for the latest update.]
Three Interdisciplinary Disability Studies courses are being offered for Fall 2021: DIS 300 – Interaction of Human Diversity and Global Environments with Dr. Stephen Gilson (Room 220, Corbett Hall); DIS 400 – Disability as Diversity I with Dr. Elizabeth DePoy (Room 220, Corbett Hall); and DIS 530 – Disability Policy with Dr. Elizabeth DePoy (online only).
For more information, please email Dr. Stephen F. Gilson, Coordinator and Professor of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies at stephen.f.gilson@maine.edu.
Photo of Dr. Elizabeth DePoy, student Madeline Sanborn, and Dr. Stephen Gilson, courtesy of the University of Maine Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies.