Jennifer Maeverde Selected for Daniel Hanley Center’s Health Leadership Development Course
Through a highly competitive application process, Jennifer Maeverde, M.A., LCPC, from the University of Maine Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies (CCIDS), has been selected for the 2022-2023 Health Leadership Development course sponsored by the Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership in Portland, ME.
The Health Leadership Development (HLD) course is an intensive 16-day course that takes place over an eight-month period beginning in September. It’s designed for emerging and evolving leaders from throughout Maine and across the entire spectrum of health and healthcare related organizations.
Maeverde is a graduate of the NH LEND Program (2013) and a research associate who specializes in infant and early childhood mental health. She is one of 35 members of this year’s HLD class. “I have a strong interest in collaborating with health care leaders in Maine in the areas of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), early childhood mental health, and disability,” she said. The theme for this year’s cohort is access.
Her participation is being supported by CCIDS and state partner Maine Roads to Quality Professional Development Network. It is hoped that Maeverde’s selection for the HLD course will help promote expanded collaborations for both organizations. Since its creation in late 2007, nearly 400 leaders have taken part in the course. Maeverde is looking forward to the opportunities for continued connection and networking through the Hanley Alumni Association.
The Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership is a nonprofit, independent, statewide organization dedicated to supporting the transformation of Maine’s health and healthcare sectors. The Center prepares leaders to work more collaboratively and more effectively toward the goal of better-coordinated care and greater efficiencies that will moderate the growth of costs.
Photo credit: Image of Jennifer Maeverde courtesy of Maine Roads to Quality