Updates from the Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
CAC Member News
Congratulations to LyAnn Grogan who was named Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KFI.
Avery Olmstead and Janet May co-presented, “The Lived Experience of Disability in Maine: Better Care for Patients with Disabilities,” at the Maine Osteopathic Association Conference in Rockport, ME.
Kile Pelletier served as a panelist for the NH-ME LEND leadership intensive, “Current Topics in the Disability Rights Movement.”
Libby Stone-Sterling and the Maine Department of Labor, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), CCIDS, the College of Education and Human Development, Early College, and Student Accessibility Services have collaborated on a new Step Up Program format for 2023. This summer, high school juniors or seniors with an autism spectrum diagnosis who are DVR clients may enroll in a 2-week in-person living and learning experience on the UMaine Orono campus, or a 4-week off-campus (from home) component, or both (all six weeks). The program begins on Sunday, July 9, 2023 and ends on Friday, August 18, 2023.
Carrie Woodcock delivered the keynote address at the NH-ME LEND 2023 Spring Kickoff in Lewiston, ME.
We bid farewell to Melany Mondello and wish her and her family all the best in their move to Massachusetts.
We bid farewell to Holly Richards who left her position at Maternal and Child Health. We extend a warm welcome to Pamala Martin, who will be completing Holly’s term. Pamala is Healthcare Coordinator for the Maternal and Child Health, Children with Special Health Needs Program at the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC).
Areas of Emphasis Group Meetings by Zoom (January and February 2023)
Thanks again to CAC members and CCIDS faculty and staff who participated in one or more of the five areas of emphasis group meetings in preparation for the 2023-2028 core grant application. These informed discussions helped to highlight specific state needs and review draft work plans (including proposed goals and activities) in each of five areas of emphasis: Education (K-12 through postsecondary); Early Intervention and Child Care; Health; Employment; and Quality Assurance (housing, recreation, transportation, and other services affecting quality of life).
CCIDS is expecting to receive notification about the five-year grant award sometime this month (June).
Looking Ahead (Summer and Fall 2023)
We’ll be sending out the 2022-2023 progress reports (for year 5) over the summer as well as the work plan for the new core grant (2023-2028) in preparation for the fall meeting (date and time yet to be determined). We’ll be in touch to get the Fall meeting on the calendar soon.
Photo credit: Building corner image by Ben Vaughn (https://unsplash.com)