CAC Corner: News from the Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
CAC Member News
Brian Harnish is serving as treasurer for Speaking Up for Us (SUFU).
Brian Harnish and Jon McGovern are two of the four self-advocates interviewed by Evan Murray of Democracy Maine for a new video, Your Vote, Every Vote! Maine Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, also appears in the video.
Kile Pelletier and Stephanie Pelletier served as panelists and shared their experiences as a married couple with disabilities and how laws on financial limitations (marriage penalty) have impacted them, during the National Council on Disability’s quarterly meeting in Providence, RI on November 16, 2023.
In mid-March, Kim Moody was invited to attend Communities in Action: Building a Better Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, in person at the White House complex. This meeting brought together federal figures with over three dozen local elected officials and community leaders working on behalf of their communities to create opportunities and improve people’s everyday lives. Discussions highlighted federal initiatives, especially those funded by the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA), Inflation Reduction Act, and Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
CAC Membership and Leadership Election Results
Members LyAnn Grogan, Avery Olmstead and Lisa Richmond have been reappointed to new three-year terms.
Allison Wiest has been newly elected as a family member and will serve a three-year term.
Leora Byras was reappointed by the Maine Department of Education to another three-year term.
Amy Fair was appointed by the Maine CDC, Maternal and Child Health Program to complete Holly Richards’ term.
Moriah Geer and Brian Harnish have been elected as CAC Co-Chairs and will serve two-year terms (2024-2026).
CCIDS and the CAC thank members Kile Pelletier and Kate Quinn Finlay for their leadership and service as the 2021-2023 CAC Co-Chairs.
Highlights from the CAC Meeting – January 12, 2024
CCIDS Director Alan Cobo-Lewis provided a summary of the Center’s five-year (2018-2023) closeout report to the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Alan also provided an overview of and led a discussion about CCIDS’ Year 1 (2023-2024) Goals and Objectives.
Co-Chairs Moriah and Brian raised the possibility of having a hybrid meeting (some members in-person, some members remote) for the Spring meeting. More information to come.
We’ll be in touch to get the Spring (June) meeting on the calendar soon.
Photo of Stephanie and Kile Pelletier in Providence, RI, courtesy of Alan Cobo-Lewis, University of Maine