2023 – 2024 UMaine Trainee Publications/Presentations

Presentations and publications by the 2023 – 2024 UMaine trainees in the New Hampshire-Maine Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (NH-ME LEND) Program.

UMaine Trainees’ Leadership Placement Capstone Posters

Ali, A. (2024, May 3). Black women maternal health model. Poster presented at the NH-ME LEND Annual Capstone Poster Presentation, Durham, NH.

Cushing, C. (2024, May 3). Speaking Up for Us legislative toolkit. Poster presented at the NH-ME LEND Annual Capstone Poster Presentation, Durham, NH.

Deliso, E. (2024, May 3). Step 1 of Maine CDC Maternal & Child Health Title V Block Grant needs assessment: Gathering community input. Poster presented at the NH-ME LEND Annual Capstone Poster Presentation, Durham, NH.

McBlais, K. (2024, May 3). Inclusive education. Poster presented at the NH-ME LEND Annual Capstone Poster Presentation, Durham, NH.

Robleh, F. (2024, May 3). Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advisory Council. Poster presented at the NH-ME LEND Annual Capstone Poster Presentation, Durham, NH.

Russum, K. (2024, May 3). Increasing accessibility to newborn hearing screening for out-of-hospital births. Poster presented at the NH-ME LEND Annual Capstone Poster Presentation, Durham, NH.

Williams, R. (2024, May 3). Collaborating with others through training to enhance inclusion. Poster presented at the NH-ME LEND Annual Capstone Poster Presentation, Durham, NH.

Policy Brief

2023-2024 University of Maine Cohort of NH-ME LEND Trainees. (2024). The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act. Orono: University of Maine.