Bonnie Robinson

Research Associate
University of Maine
Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies
5717 Corbett Hall, Rm 227
Orono, ME 04469-5717
207.581.1231 (Fax)
TTY users call Maine Relay 711
M. Ed., Special Education, Individualized Program, University of Maine
B.S. Child Development/Family Relations, University of Maine
Project Affiliations
- Technology & Dissemination Team
- Maine Employment Curriculum
- Independence Plus
- Maine Works for Youth
- Maine Adolescent Transition Partnership (MATP)
Areas of Interest
- Accessible Information Technology
- Accessible Website Design
Professional Development
- An Introduction to W3C’s Mobile Web Best Practices, W3C Mobile Web Initiative, online course, 2010.
- Certificate in Accessible Information Technology, University of Southern Maine, Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI), 2008.
- Certificate in Interdisciplinary Fundamentals in Adaptive and Assistive Technology, University of Miami, Mailman Center for Child Development, Department of Pediatrics, 2004.
Professional Membership and Service
- Member – Web Advisory Group, UMaine (2015 – present)
- Member – Equity and Excellence in Higher Education Committee, UMaine (2011 – 2012)
- Member – Accessible Information Committee, UMaine (2007 – 2011)
- Member – Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Coalition of Eastern Maine (2008 – 2012)
- Member – National Association for Persons in Supported Employment (APSE) / State Chapter (2003 – 2007)
- Member – Penobscot Council on Transition, Maine Transition Network Committee on Transition (2000 – 2005)
Robinson, B. (2021, January 26): Creating accessible materials. Professional development webinar on creating universally designed materials for Maine Roads to Quality. Orono, ME.
Kurtz, A., May, J., Dyer, R., Carter, M., Thielen, C. & Robinson, B. (2020, December). Supporting virtual connections during social-distancing (PDF) [Poster presentation]. 2020 Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Conference, Washington, DC.
Robinson, B. (2019, December 16): Creating accessible materials. Professional development webinar on creating universally designed materials for Maine Roads to Quality. Orono, ME.
Robinson, B. (2015, November). Use of technology and its impact on students with disabilities. Presented at the MELMAC Regional Peer Learning Session. Orono, ME.
Robinson, B. (2013, September). Computer 101. Presented at the Speaking Up For Us of Maine Statewide Conference. Waterville, ME.
Kitchin, R., May, J., & Robinson, B. (2009, October). Universal Design: Expanding Your Volunteer Pool. Presented at the Blaine House Conference on Volunteerism, Orono, ME.
Berry, L., Eaton, M., & Robinson, B. (2008, March). Volunteering: Getting Involved in Your Community. Presented at the 18th Direct Support Professional Conference. Augusta, ME.
Berry, L., Robinson, B., & Son, L. (2006, March). What We Would Like Direct Support Professionals to Know. Presented at the 17th Direct Service Professional Conference. Augusta, ME.
Harvie, R., Harvie, S., & Robinson, B. (2005, April). YouthSpeak: What We Want Our Health Care Providers to Know. Presented at Maine-Dartmouth Family Residency Program. Augusta, ME.
Berry, L., and Robinson, B. (2004, December). Partners in Justice: Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System. Presented at New Horizons. Houlton, ME.
Bell, J., and Robinson, B. (2004, October). YouthSpeak: What We Want Our Teachers to Know. Presented to Counselor Education students at UMaine. Orono, ME.
Robinson, B. (2004, October). Maine Works for Youth! Service Tapestry. Presented at the Learning Disabilities Association Maine Resource Fair. Oakland, ME.
Robinson, B. (2004, September). Maine Works for Youth! Service Tapestry. Presented to State of Maine Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Augusta, ME.
Robinson, B. (2004, September). Know Your Disability. Presented at Maine Committee on Transition Youth Leadership Retreat. Rome, ME.
Robinson, B. (2004, April). Know Your IEP. Presentation to students receiving Special Education Services at the Transition Forum held at Hermon High School. Hermon, ME.
Robinson, B. (2004, March). Advocating for Our Children. Presentation to parents and professionals at the Transition Forum for Region III. Bangor, ME.
Bell, J., and Robinson, B. (2004, March). YouthSpeak: What We Want Our Teachers to Know. Presentation to Counselor Education students at UMaine. Orono, ME.
Bell, J., Gilmer, D., May, J., Robinson, B., Son, K. & Wall, T. (2003, December). YEA ME Maine’s Children with Special Health Needs Youth Advisory Committee: Agents for Change in Maine. Poster presentation at the Annual International TASH Conference. Chicago, IL.
Bell, J., Robinson, B. (2003, December). Shedding Some Light on Asperger Syndrome. Maine Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services conference. Bangor, ME.
Pulsfier, Z., Robinson, B. (2003, October). YouthSpeak: What We Want Our School Nurses to Know. Maine Association of School Nurses. Rockport, ME.
Harnish, B., Robinson, B., & Thurlow, R. (2003, October). Medical Issues in the Classroom. Panel Presentation. Bangor, ME.
Bell, J., Robinson, B. (2003, October). Family-Professional Partnerships, Stepping Stones: Enhancing Quality Care for CSHN. A Workshop on Medical Home. Augusta, ME.
Lucas, B., Robinson, B. (2003, February). Parents’ Experience with Special Education in Maine. Presented to students in Adapting Instruction for Students in Disabilities (SED 402). Orono, ME.
Harnish, B., Robinson, B. (2003, February). YouthSpeak: What We Want Our Teacher to Know. Presented to students in Adapting Instruction course at UMaine. Orono, ME.
Robinson, B. (2003, February). Exploring the Ocean of Health Care and Insurance. An interactive workshop presented at the Maine Support Network Winter Retreat. Rockport, ME.