OUCH! That hurts! — Biting – Selected Resources

Growing Ideas OUCH! That hurts! - Biting Selected Resources

Please note: Some resources may require a subscription or have restricted access due to a publisher paywall.


  • Kinnell, G. (2008). No Biting: Policy and Practice for Toddler Programs, Second Edition. Child Care Solutions. St. Paul, MN: Readleaf Press



  • Biting Behavior in Toddlers and How to Respond (Podcast) – This podcast from Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center reviews the many emotions of biting and the reasons why toddlers might engage in biting. Discover the importance of validating toddlers’ feelings, ways to teach toddlers appropriate behaviors to express wants and needs, and how to support the development of self-regulation. Available online at https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/podcast/biting-behavior-toddlers-how-respond


  • Better Kid Care – This website from Penn State offers fee based professional development opportunities and you can search for free downloadable educational information on caring for children.

Updated: 07/25/2024

Maine Department of Health and Human Services

Funding for the 2011 update of the Growing Ideas Resources for Guiding Early Childhood Practices has been provided by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Child and Family Services, Early Childhood Division.