Jenna Conant

Major: Child Development and Family Relations

Subplan/Concentration: Individual and Family Studies

Minors: Interdisciplinary Disability Studies and Education

Advisors: EDHD Advising Center, Faith Ann Erhardt and Dominick Varney

Reply to question: How have the IDS courses shaped your perspective of disability?

Interdisciplinary Disability Studies has allowed me to shape a new perspective on disability that I am eager to bring into my future career as a school counselor. Disability can be a complex concept that the IDS courses have brought light to. People should not be categorized or separated because of how they look, think, or act. Too often, we are quick to judge others instead of accepting others. We tend to connect the term normality to disability, creating a separation in our society. These courses have allowed me to look at the world differently and make sure that I am always creating an accessible and acceptable environment for all. Individuals have many differences, and everyone can look at these differences in various ways, and therefore I believe we need to understand and embrace everyone’s differences. This minor has shown me how important it is to educate yourself and participate in continuous learning centered around diversity.