WHACK! SLAM! BANG! — Aggression – Selected Resources


Growing Ideas WHACK! SLAM! BANG! - Aggression Selected=

Please note: Some resources may require a subscription or have restricted access due to a publisher paywall.


  • Denno, D., Carr, V., Hart Bell, S. (2010). Addressing Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Settings: A Teacher’s Guide. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.



  • Playing for Keeps Playing for Keeps is a national not-for-profit organization that exists to help bridge the gap between what researchers have learned about play-and what parents and professionals who impact kids’ lives on a day-to-day, hour-by-hour need to know to help nurture our precious children to their full potential.
  • The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning – CASEL is working to establish social and emotional learning as an essential part of education from preschool through high school.

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Updated: 12/20/2022

Maine Department of Health and Human ServicesFunding for the 2011 update of the Growing Ideas Resources for Guiding Early Childhood Practices has been provided by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Child and Family Services, Early Childhood Division.