Shocking Language! — Swearing – Virtual Toolkit

Professional Development Activity

Begin by reading the Growing Ideas: Shocking Language! – Swearing (PDF) and completing the Growing Ideas Into Action Handout (PDF) – A resource to use as you read and use the tipsheets.

Young girl with hands on hips, pouting.

Training Material to use right away:

Try, Review, Reflect and Plan:

The Swearing: toddlers and preschoolers web page offers a range of ideas and strategies to help with understanding and responding to swearing behavior.

  1. Click on the link above to view the Swearing: toddlers and preschoolers web page.
  2. Select and try out some of the strategies in your program.
  3. Use the Shocking Language! — Swearing Self-Reflection Guide and Documentation Sheet (PDF) to:
    • Review, reflect and plan your work with children.
    • Document your training hours.

Highly Recommended Resource:

So This Is Normal Too? 2nd Edition cover

Hewitt, D. (2011). So This Is Normal Too? 2nd Edition. St. Paul, MN: Readleaf Press.

Publisher’s annotation:

Tattling, aggression, and temper tantrums are examples of “normal” behaviors that can be difficult for teachers, caregivers, and families to handle.  So This Is Normal Too? Second Edition, focuses on how teachers can observe and identify children who need more specific support and provides effective and practical solutions to guide children as they learn new skills and improve behaviors. Filled with child development information on twenty-one skills and behaviors, this resource links early learning standards to behavior and skill challenges. It also includes action planning forms and family handouts. Age Focus: 3-6. Softbound, 256 pgs.

Children’s Book Selection:

Elbert's Bad Word book cover

Wood, A. (1996). Elbert’s Bad Word. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace & Company.

From author’s annotation:

“Sometimes children catch bad words. And so it was with young Elbert, who snatched one out of the air one day at an elegant garden party — and stuffed it into his pocket. The word waited — ugly, covered with dark bristly hairs — and snuck into Elbert’s mouth. Then, without warning, it sprang out, causing a dreadful uproar.

“At some point, all parents and teachers must deal with the issue of bad words. That’s why I wrote this story.” — Audrey Wood.

Interested in additional information on this topic? Visit our Shocking Language! — Swearing Selected Resources page.

Have a professional development plan? As you read the Growing Ideas Tipsheets, and use the Virtual Toolkit training materials be sure to place your handouts/documentation of this work in your personal professional development portfolio.

Updated: 07/25/2024