OUCH! That hurts! – Biting – Virtual Toolkit
Professional Development Activity
Begin by reading the Growing Ideas: OUCH! That hurts! — Biting Tipsheet (PDF) and completing the Growing Ideas Into Action Handout (PDF) – A resource to use as you read and use the tipsheets.
Training Materials to use right away:
- Toddlers and Biting? Finding the Right Response from Zero to Three.
- Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Part one [11:32 minute Podcast – In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel will look at the reasons behind infant and toddler biting behaviors from a development lens.
- Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Part Two [11:47 minute Podcast] – In Part 2 of the series on biting behaviors, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel will offer strategies for both prevention and intervention of biting in early childhood programs.
Try, Review, Reflect and Plan:
“Toddlers and Biting? Finding the Right Response” and “Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers, Parts One and Two” offer additional information about why children bite, ways to prevent and respond to biting.
- Click on the first website link above to view the page “Toddlers and Biting? Finding the Right Response.”
- Click on the next two links and listen to the podcasts, “Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Parts One and Two“
- Select and try out some of the strategies shared in these resources in your program.
- Use the OUCH! That hurts! — Biting Self-Reflection Guide and Documentation Sheet (PDF) to:
- Review, reflect and plan your work with children.
- Document your training hours.
Highly Recommended Resource:
Kinnell, G. (2008). No Biting: Policy and Practices for Toddler Programs, Second Edition. St. Paul, MN: Readleaf Press. Available from http://www.redleafpress.org/No-Biting-2nd-Ed=P215.aspx
Publisher’s annotation:
This updated edition of No Biting takes an indepth look at the developmental, emotional, and practical perspectives of biting. You will find technique — building advice for approaching biting in ways that work effectively for toddlers, parents, and teachers alike. Also included is information on how to develop biting policies, how to work with parents and staff, and recommended articles for parents to learn more about the issue.
Children’s Book Selection:
Verdick, E. (2003). Teeth Are Not for Biting. St. Paul, MN: Readleaf Press. Retrieved from http://www.redleafpress.org/Teeth-Are_Not-For-Biting-P141.aspx
Publisher’s annotation:
“Crunch crunch crunch. Teeth are strong and sharp. Crunch crunch crunch. Teeth can help you chew. But teeth are not for biting. Ouch! Biting hurts.” Sooner or later, almost all young children will bite someone — a friend, a parent, a sibling. This upbeat,colorful, virtually indestructible book helps prevent toddler biting and teaches positive alternatives.
Interested in additional information on this topic? Visit our OUCH! That hurts! — Biting Selected Resources page.
Have a professional development plan? As you read the Growing Ideas Tipsheets, and use the Virtual Toolkit training materials be sure to place your handouts/documentation of this work in your personal professional development portfolio.
Updated: 07/25/2024