Quality for ME Revision Project — Final Report
This final report of the Quality for ME Revision Project describes the study of Maine’s child care Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), the consultation with stakeholders, and the study of the scientific literature and best practice from other states, and makes recommendations for changes to Maine’s QRIS.
QRIS in general is a tool for accountability, for improving child outcomes, and for promoting quality child care so that parents can participate fully in the workforce.
Recommended Citation:
Vishneau, M., Cobo-Lewis, A., Howard, S., Labas, L., Armstrong, P., Downs, J., …Ward, H. (2015). Quality for ME Revision Project – Final Report. Report submitted to Maine Department of Health and Human Services. Orono, ME: University of Maine Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies; Portland, ME: University of Southern Maine Muskie School of Public Service.