What Does Inclusion Look Like?

Are you and your program ready?

Children at a sandtable.Inclusive early childhood settings are built on a foundation of developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) and consider individualized approaches that benefit all children. Inclusion can look different in different settings but all inclusive settings have some core features. Here are some questions to consider when planning or reviewing your setting.

  • Are administrative policies/procedures supportive of children with special needs?
  • Is your physical environment, including your playground, accessible and does it support play for all children?
  • Do you feel confident about working with children with differing abilities?
  • How are play activities and materials individualized for all children?
  • How do you help children form friendships?
  • How are supportive relationships with families developed?
  • How do you review your teaching practices on an ongoing basis to make sure they are developmentally appropriate and reflect children and family needs?
  • How do you stay up to date with current research and practices that support all children?

Tools and Resources:

Updated: 12/16/2022