Opening Child Care in Maine: Resources and Support
[Español] [Français] [Português] [Soomaali]

Who and why should you use this resource?
If you are just beginning to walk through the process of opening a child care business in Maine or are in the middle of the process, this resource can be a support. This resource contains the following:
- Information to decide which child care business structure is right for you.
- First steps in opening a child care business.
- How to apply to open a child care business.
- How to apply to accept child care subsidy as a child care business.
- How to apply to be part of the Child and Adult Care Food program as a childcare business.
Many of the links for resources are PDFs. You will need a PDF reader to view them. You can download a free version of Acrobat Reader here.
Download the Checklist for Becoming a Child Care Provider in Maine (PDF) to track your progress as you move through the steps of applying to be a child care provider in Maine.
This resource, Opening Child Care in Maine, has been translated from English to Español, Français, Português and Soomali in partnership with translators from these communities. We cannot verify the accuracy of the translations of the external sites referenced in this resource.
Opening Child Care in Maine: Resources and Support, was developed in collaboration with the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child and Family Services; and the Maine Roads to Quality Professional Development Network; with funding from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child and Family Services, Child Care Development Block Grant; and the University of Maine Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies with funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Disabilities (Grant No. 90DDUC0056).
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